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Program workfile
    Implicit none
! some parameters    
    complex(8) , parameter :: i = (0.0, 1.0) , t0 = (0.0,0.0)
    real(8) , parameter :: PI = acos(-1.0) , a0 = 1.42D-010, e = 1.602176634D-19, eV = 1.6021766208D-19
    real(8) , parameter :: t1 = 3.12D0*eV , t2 = 0.29D0*eV , t3 = -0.0103D0*eV 
    !real(8) , parameter :: t1 = 3.12D0 , t2 = 0.29D0 , t3 = -0.0103D0 !expressed in eV
    real(8) , parameter :: h_bar = 1.054572663D-034 , r0 = sqrt(3.0)/3.0D0
    real(8) , parameter :: kB = 1.380649D-023, T = 273.15D0
! variables of the k value    
    integer , parameter :: q = 1000
    real(8) :: b1(2), b2(2) , a1(2) , a2(2) 
    real(8) , allocatable :: k(:,:,:)
    integer :: x , y
! variables of the count number    
    integer:: i1, i2, i3, i4, i5
! varibales of polarization and conductivity and step-size
    complex(8) :: w2 ! which is unknown
    real(8) :: dk
! the final polarization and conductivity
    complex(8) :: P1_kxx(6,6), P1_kxy(6,6), P1_kyx(6,6), P1_kyy(6,6),&
                  S1_xx, S1_xy, S1_yx, S1_yy

! the k value
b1 = [ 2*PI/(a0*sqrt(3.0)) , 2*PI/a0 ]
b2 = [ 2*PI/(a0*sqrt(3.0)) , -2*PI/a0 ]
a1 = [ a0*sqrt(3.0)/2 , a0/2 ]
a2 = [ a0*sqrt(3.0)/2 , -a0/2 ]
Forall(x=1:size(k,2), y=1:size(k,3))
       k(:,x,y) = (b1*x+b2*y)/q
End Forall
! the step-size
dk = 8d0*(pi**2)/((a0**2)*sqrt(3.0))

! output data into a file 
open(1, file = 'sigma1.txt', status = 'new')     
! assign value to the w1 and w2
do i5 = 0,5
   w2 = cmplx((0.02d0)*i5*eV/h_bar, 0.03d0*eV,kind = 8)
   call integralk(w2,S1_xx,S1_xy,S1_yx,S1_yy)
end do
subroutine integralk(w2,fS1_xx,fS1_xy,fS1_yx,fS1_yy)
 implicit none
 complex(8),intent(in) :: w2
 complex(8),intent(out) :: fS1_xx,fS1_xy,fS1_yx,fS1_yy
! the eigenvalue
real(8) E1(6)
! variables of final equation
real(8) :: f(6), f_nm(6,6), Omega(6,6)
complex(8) :: r_x(6,6), r_y(6,6), v_nmx(6,6), v_nmy(6,6)
! the final polarization and conductivity
complex(8) ::  P1_x(6,6), P1_y(6,6),P1_xx(6,6), P1_xy(6,6), P1_yx(6,6), P1_yy(6,6),&
! before the big loop
do i1 = 1,6
do i2 = 1,6
    P1_kxx(i1,i2) = t0
    P1_kxy(i1,i2) = t0
    P1_kyx(i1,i2) = t0
    P1_kyy(i1,i2) = t0
do i3 = 1,1000
do i4 = 1,1000
!give a test number
!i3 = 1
!i4 = 2
call eigenstate(i3,i4,E1,v_nmx,v_nmy)
do i1 = 1, 6
   f(i1) = 1.0/(exp(E1(i1)/(kB*T))+1.0)
do i1 = 1,6
do i2 = 1,6
   f_nm(i2,i1) = f(i1)-f(i2)
   omega(i2,i1) = (E1(i2)-E1(i1))/h_bar
   r_x(i2,i1) = -i*v_nmx(i2,i1)/omega(i2,i1)
   r_y(i2,i1) = -i*v_nmy(i2,i1)/omega(i2,i1)
   if(i1==i2) then
       P1_x(i2,i1) = (i/(h_bar*w2))*(-1.0d0/(kB*T))*h_bar*v_nmx(i2,i1)*f(i1)*(1.0d0-f(i1))
       P1_y(i2,i1) = (i/(h_bar*w2))*(-1.0d0/(kB*T))*h_bar*v_nmy(i2,i1)*f(i1)*(1.0d0-f(i1))
       P1_x(i2,i1) = r_x(i2,i1)*f_nm(i1,i2)/(h_bar*w2-h_bar*omega(i2,i1))
       P1_y(i2,i1) = r_y(i2,i1)*f_nm(i1,i2)/(h_bar*w2-h_bar*omega(i2,i1))
   P1_xx(i2,i1) = v_nmx(i2,i1)*P1_x(i2,i1)
   P1_xy(i2,i1) = v_nmx(i2,i1)*P1_y(i2,i1)
   P1_yx(i2,i1) = v_nmy(i2,i1)*P1_x(i2,i1)
   P1_yy(i2,i1) = v_nmy(i2,i1)*P1_y(i2,i1)
! the value of the f(i) is too small. it is either 1 or 0. so we need to check it later and integration
    P1_kxx = P1_kxx + P1_xx*dk
    P1_kxy = P1_kxy + P1_xy*dk
    P1_kyx = P1_kyx + P1_yx*dk
    P1_kyy = P1_kyx + P1_yy*dk
! first order conductivity
fS1_xx = -(e**2.0d0)*sum(P1_kxx(1:6,1:6))/((2.0d0*pi)**3.0d0)
fS1_xy = -(e**2.0d0)*sum(P1_kxy(1:6,1:6))/((2.0d0*pi)**3.0d0)
fS1_yx = -(e**2.0d0)*sum(P1_kyx(1:6,1:6))/((2.0d0*pi)**3.0d0)
fS1_yy = -(e**2.0d0)*sum(P1_kyy(1:6,1:6))/((2.0d0*pi)**3.0d0)

subroutine eigenstate(i3,i4,fW,fv_nmx,fv_nmy)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: i3, i4
real(8), intent(out) :: fW(6)
complex(8),intent(out) :: fv_nmx(6,6),fv_nmy(6,6)
! definition of the variables
complex(8) :: m1 , m2
complex(8) :: f1 , f2
! variables of the Eigenvalue and Eigenvector of the Hamiltonian matrix
integer , parameter :: N=6
complex(8) H(N,N)
! variables of the velocity operator matrix
complex(8) :: r_kx(6,6), r_ky(6,6), H_kx(6,6), H_ky(6,6),&
                  v_kx(6,6), v_ky(6,6), H_1(6,6),H_2(6,6)
complex(8) :: f1_kx, f1_ky, f2_kx, f2_ky,&
                  f1_kxx, f1_kxy, f1_kyy, f2_kxx, f2_kxy, f2_kyy
! variables of the assistant matrix and examine matrix
complex(8) :: M_kxx(6,6), M_kxy(6,6), M_kyy(6,6), M_kyx(6,6),&
                  v_kxx(6,6), v_kxy(6,6), v_kyy(6,6), v_kyx(6,6),&
                  M_xx(6,6) , M_xy(6,6), M_yx(6,6), M_yy(6,6)

m1 = dot_product(a1 , k(:,i3,i4))
m2 = dot_product(a2 , k(:,i3,i4))
f1 = 1+exp(i*m1)+exp(i*m2)
f2 = 1+exp(-i*m1)+exp(-i*m2)
H = reshape([complex(8) :: t0, t1*f1, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                t1*f2, t0, t0, t2, t0, t3,&
                t0, t0, t0, t1*f2, t0 ,t0,&
                t0, t2, t1*f1,t0, t0, t2, &
                t0, t0, t0, t0, t0, t1*f1,&
                t0, t3, t0, t2, t1*f2, t0],[6 , 6])
H_1 = reshape([complex(8) :: &
                t0, t1*f1, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                t1*f2, t0, t0, t2, t0, t3,&
                t0, t0, t0, t1*f2, t0 ,t0,&
                t0, t2, t1*f1,t0, t0, t2, &
                t0, t0, t0, t0, t0, t1*f1,&
                t0, t3, t0, t2, t1*f2, t0],[6 , 6])
! eigenvalue and eigenvector of the Hamiltonian matrix
call myzheev(N,fW,H)
! nonlinear polarization and conductivity
H_2 = conjg(transpose(H))
! differential value of f1 and f2 on kx or ky
! differential of the Hamiltonian matrix on kx or ky
    f1_kx = (sqrt(3.0)/2)*a0*i*(exp(a0*i*(sqrt(3.0)*k(1,i3,i4)/2+k(2,i3,i4)/2))+&
    f2_kx = (sqrt(3.0)/2)*a0*i*(-exp(a0*i*(sqrt(3.0)*k(1,i3,i4)/2+k(2,i3,i4)/2))-&
    f1_ky = (1.0/2.0)*a0*i*(exp(a0*i*(sqrt(3.0)*k(1,i3,i4)/2+k(2,i3,i4)/2))-&
    f2_ky = (1.0/2.0)*a0*i*(-exp(-a0*i*(sqrt(3.0)*k(1,i3,i4)/2+k(2,i3,i4)/2))+&
! partial differential of the Hamiltonian matrix on kx and ky    
    f1_kxx = -(3.0/4.0)*(a0**2.0)*(exp(a0*i*(sqrt(3.0)*k(1,i3,i4)/2+k(2,i3,i4)/2))+&
    f1_kxy = (sqrt(3.0)/4)*(a0**2.0)*(-exp(a0*i*(sqrt(3.0)*k(1,i3,i4)/2+k(2,i3,i4)/2))+&
    f1_kyy = -(1.0/4.0)*(a0**2.0)*(exp(a0*i*(sqrt(3.0)*k(1,i3,i4)/2+k(2,i3,i4)/2))+&
    f2_kxx = -(3.0/4.0)*(a0**2.0)*(exp(-a0*i*(sqrt(3.0)*k(1,i3,i4)/2+k(2,i3,i4)/2))+&
    f2_kxy = (sqrt(3.0)/4)*(a0**2.0)*(-exp(-a0*i*(sqrt(3.0)*k(1,i3,i4)/2+k(2,i3,i4)/2))+&
    f2_kyy = -(1.0/4.0)*(a0**2.0)*(exp(-a0*i*(sqrt(3.0)*k(1,i3,i4)/2+k(2,i3,i4)/2))+&
! differential matrix of Hamiltonian on ky and kx
    H_kx = reshape([complex(8) :: t0, t1*f1_kx, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t1*f2_kx, t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t1*f2_kx, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t1*f1_kx, t0, t0 ,t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0, t1*f1_kx,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t1*f2_kx, t0],[6 , 6])
    H_ky = reshape([complex(8) :: t0, t1*f1_ky, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t1*f2_ky, t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t1*f2_ky, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t1*f1_ky, t0, t0 ,t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0, t1*f1_ky,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t1*f2_ky, t0],[6 , 6])
! the position matrix in k space
    r_kx = reshape([real(8) :: -a0*r0, t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, a0*r0, t0, t0 ,t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0 ,t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, -a0*r0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0 ,t0],[6,6])
    r_ky = reshape([real(8) :: t0, t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0 ,t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0 ,t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0 ,t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0 ,t0],[6,6])
! velocity operator matrix
v_kx = (-i/h_bar)*(matmul(r_kx,H_1)-matmul(H_1,r_kx))+(1.0/h_bar)*H_kx  
v_ky = (-i/h_bar)*(matmul(r_ky,H_1)-matmul(H_1,r_ky))+(1.0/h_bar)*H_ky
! differential and partial differential matrix of Hamiltonian on ky and kx
    v_kxx = reshape([complex(8) :: t0,(-i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f1_kx+(t1/h_bar)*f1_kxx, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    (i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f2_kx+(t1/h_bar)*f2_kxx, t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, (i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f2_kx+(t1/h_bar)*f2_kxx, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, (-i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f1_kx+(t1/h_bar)*f1_kxx, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0, (-i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f1_kx+(t1/h_bar)*f1_kxx,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, (i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f2_kx+(t1/h_bar)*f2_kxx,t0],[6,6])
    v_kxy = reshape([complex(8) :: t0,(-i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f1_ky+(t1/h_bar)*f1_kxy, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    (i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f2_ky+(t1/h_bar)*f2_kxy, t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0,(i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f2_ky+(t1/h_bar)*f2_kxy, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, (-i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f1_ky+(t1/h_bar)*f1_kxy, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,(-i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f1_ky+(t1/h_bar)*f1_kxy,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, (i*sqrt(3.0)*t1/(3*h_bar))*f2_ky+(t1/h_bar)*f2_kxy, t0],[6,6]) 
    v_kyx = reshape([complex(8) :: t0, (t1/h_bar)*f1_kxy, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    (t1/h_bar)*f2_kxy, t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, (t1/h_bar)*f2_kxy, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, (t1/h_bar)*f1_kxy, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0, (t1/h_bar)*f1_kxy,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, (t1/h_bar)*f2_kxy,t0],[6,6])
    v_kyy = reshape([complex(8) :: t0, (t1/h_bar)*f1_kyy, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    (t1/h_bar)*f2_kyy, t0, t0, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, (t1/h_bar)*f2_kyy, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, (1.0/h_bar)*f1_kyy, t0, t0, t0,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, t0, (t1/h_bar)*f1_kyy,&
                    t0, t0, t0, t0, (t1/h_bar)*f2_kyy,t0],[6,6])
! the assistant matrix M
M_kxx = (-i/h_bar)*(matmul(r_kx,v_kx)-matmul(v_kx,r_kx))+(1.0/h_bar)*v_kxx
M_kyx = (-i/h_bar)*(matmul(r_kx,v_ky)-matmul(v_ky,r_kx))+(1.0/h_bar)*v_kyx
M_kxy = (-i/h_bar)*(matmul(r_ky,v_kx)-matmul(v_kx,r_ky))+(1.0/h_bar)*v_kxy
M_kyy = (-i/h_bar)*(matmul(r_ky,v_ky)-matmul(v_ky,r_ky))+(1.0/h_bar)*v_kyy
! the eigenstate matrix
fv_nmx = matmul(matmul(H_2,v_kx),H)
fv_nmy = matmul(matmul(H_2,v_ky),H)
M_xx = matmul(matmul(H_2,M_kxx),H)
M_xy = matmul(matmul(H_2,M_kxy),H)
M_yx = matmul(matmul(H_2,M_kyx),H)
M_yy = matmul(matmul(H_2,M_kyy),H)

! eigenvalue of the zheev
subroutine myzheev(N,W,H)
    implicit none
    integer :: INFO=0
    real(8) :: RWORK(3*N-2)
    complex(8) :: WORK(3*N)
    integer,intent(in) :: N
    real(8),intent(out) :: W(N)
    complex(8),intent(inout) :: H(N,N)
    call ZHEEV('V', 'U', N, H, N, W, WORK, 3*N, RWORK, INFO)

End Program workfile