Paste from dlasrt2 at 2022-02-22 15:49:56I want to paste

!// ForQuill v1.01 Beta
Subroutine dlasrt2(id, n, d, key, info)
!  -- ScaLAPACK routine (version 1.7) --
!     University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
!     and University of California, Berkeley.
!     May 1, 1997
!     .. Scalar Arguments ..
  Character id
  Integer info, n
!     ..
!     .. Array Arguments ..
  Integer key(*)
  Double Precision d(*)
!     ..
!  Purpose
!  =======
!  Sort the numbers in D in increasing order (if ID = 'I') or
!  in decreasing order (if ID = 'D' ).
!  Use Quick Sort, reverting to Insertion sort on arrays of
!  size <= 20. Dimension of STACK limits N to about 2**32.
!  Arguments
!  =========
!  ID      (input) CHARACTER*1
!          = 'I': sort D in increasing order;
!          = 'D': sort D in decreasing order.
!  N       (input) INTEGER
!          The length of the array D.
!  D       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
!          On entry, the array to be sorted.
!          On exit, D has been sorted into increasing order
!          (D(1) <= ... <= D(N) ) or into decreasing order
!          (D(1) >= ... >= D(N) ), depending on ID.
!  KEY     (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (N)
!          On entry, KEY contains a key to each of the entries in D()
!          Typically, KEY(I) = I for all I
!          On exit, KEY is permuted in exactly the same manner as
!          D() was permuted from input to output
!          Therefore, if KEY(I) = I for all I upon input, then
!          D_out(I) = D_in(KEY(I))
!  INFO    (output) INTEGER
!          = 0:  successful exit
!          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
!  =====================================================================
!     .. Parameters ..
  Integer select
  Parameter (select=20)
!     ..
!     .. Local Scalars ..
  Integer dir, endd, i, j, start, stkpnt, tmpkey
  Double Precision d1, d2, d3, dmnmx, tmp
!     ..
!     .. Local Arrays ..
  Integer stack(2, 32)
!     ..
!     .. External Functions ..
  Logical lsame
  External lsame
!     ..
!     .. External Subroutines ..
  External xerbla
!     ..
!     .. Executable Statements ..
!     Test the input paramters.
  info = 0
  dir = -1
  If (lsame(id,'D')) Then
    dir = 0
  Else If (lsame(id,'I')) Then
    dir = 1
  End If
  If (dir==-1) Then
    info = -1
  Else If (n<0) Then
    info = -2
  End If
  If (info/=0) Then
    Call xerbla('DLASRT2', -info)
  End If
!     Quick return if possible
  If (n<=1) Return
  stkpnt = 1
  stack(1, 1) = 1
  stack(2, 1) = n
  10 Continue
  start = stack(1, stkpnt)
  endd = stack(2, stkpnt)
  stkpnt = stkpnt - 1
  If (endd-start>0) Then
!        Do Insertion sort on D( START:ENDD )
    If (dir==0) Then
!           Sort into decreasing order
      Do i = start + 1, endd
        Do j = i, start + 1, -1
          If (d(j)>d(j-1)) Then
            dmnmx = d(j)
            d(j) = d(j-1)
            d(j-1) = dmnmx
            tmpkey = key(j)
            key(j) = key(j-1)
            key(j-1) = tmpkey
            Goto 30
          End If
        End Do
      30 End Do
!           Sort into increasing order
      Do i = start + 1, endd
        Do j = i, start + 1, -1
          If (d(j)<d(j-1)) Then
            dmnmx = d(j)
            d(j) = d(j-1)
            d(j-1) = dmnmx
            tmpkey = key(j)
            key(j) = key(j-1)
            key(j-1) = tmpkey
            Goto 50
          End If
        End Do
      50 End Do
    End If
  Else If (endd-start>select) Then
!        Partition D( START:ENDD ) and stack parts, largest one first
!        Choose partition entry as median of 3
    d1 = d(start)
    d2 = d(endd)
    i = (start+endd)/2
    d3 = d(i)
    If (d1<d2) Then
      If (d3<d1) Then
        dmnmx = d1
      Else If (d3<d2) Then
        dmnmx = d3
        dmnmx = d2
      End If
      If (d3<d2) Then
        dmnmx = d2
      Else If (d3<d1) Then
        dmnmx = d3
        dmnmx = d1
      End If
    End If
    If (dir==0) Then
!           Sort into decreasing order
      i = start - 1
      j = endd + 1
      60 Continue
      70 Continue
      j = j - 1
      If (d(j)<dmnmx) Goto 70
      80 Continue
      i = i + 1
      If (d(i)>dmnmx) Goto 80
      If (i<j) Then
        tmp = d(i)
        d(i) = d(j)
        d(j) = tmp
        tmpkey = key(j)
        key(j) = key(i)
        key(i) = tmpkey
        Goto 60
      End If
      If (j-start>endd-j-1) Then
        stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
        stack(1, stkpnt) = start
        stack(2, stkpnt) = j
        stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
        stack(1, stkpnt) = j + 1
        stack(2, stkpnt) = endd
        stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
        stack(1, stkpnt) = j + 1
        stack(2, stkpnt) = endd
        stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
        stack(1, stkpnt) = start
        stack(2, stkpnt) = j
      End If
!           Sort into increasing order
      i = start - 1
      j = endd + 1
      90 Continue
      100 Continue
      j = j - 1
      If (d(j)>dmnmx) Goto 100
      110 Continue
      i = i + 1
      If (d(i)<dmnmx) Goto 110
      If (i<j) Then
        tmp = d(i)
        d(i) = d(j)
        d(j) = tmp
        tmpkey = key(j)
        key(j) = key(i)
        key(i) = tmpkey
        Goto 90
      End If
      If (j-start>endd-j-1) Then
        stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
        stack(1, stkpnt) = start
        stack(2, stkpnt) = j
        stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
        stack(1, stkpnt) = j + 1
        stack(2, stkpnt) = endd
        stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
        stack(1, stkpnt) = j + 1
        stack(2, stkpnt) = endd
        stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
        stack(1, stkpnt) = start
        stack(2, stkpnt) = j
      End If
    End If
  End If
  If (stkpnt>0) Goto 10
!     End of DLASRT2
End Subroutine dlasrt2